Wednesday, January 18, 2012

awesome, man.

when wren was born i was able to curate her likes and dislikes with absolutely no effort.  she loved ugly dolls, dia de los muertos, zombies, and pirates. as she gets older and certainly more opinionated, i have to work a little harder to turn her likes into things i can get behind - which is of crucial importance to me, as i'm the one that will be spending endless hours bringing her birthday party visions and halloween costumes to life. so far it hasn't been too much trouble to morph her interest in princesses and pastels into a love of unicorns and rainbows, but i'm getting the picture that i'll be taking a backseat to her passions soon enough.

for this reason, when our tastes organically align, i get a little spring in my step.  at the moment, wren's favorite book is michael chabon's 'the astonishing secret of awesome man'.  this is a victory on many levels.  michael chabon is a local guy, he has written some of my favorite fiction, and also wrote 'manhood for amateurs', one of the best parenting books out there.  combine that with the outstanding vintage superhero art of jake parker, and this book is easily one of my favorites of last year.

do yourself and your little superhero a favor and check this one out!