Tuesday, March 27, 2012

next-level nerd

i've never been a fan of plastic toys.  that's not to say that we don't have our fair share.  have one birthday party with more than immediate family and you are sure to rake in enough plastic to make the landfill gods cringe (and immediate family is only off the hook because i'm that pushy mom that insists on books, art supplies, or items from the wishlist - no barbies, thanks). so when i saw this molecule set, my heart skipped a beat. not only is it made of wood, but they've taken the lab set of my youth and redesigned it with a gloriously vintage color palette. i should probably also mention that in my previous life i was a next level science nerd. i'm thinking that if sciencey me and modern day me came together in a venn diagram, these would be at the gooey center.

jasper hearts wren

molecule building set
ferm living
EUR 58 {roughly 77USD}

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